#HoustonStrong. Always.
Hosting Tips

#HoustonStrong. Always.

Ronin 2
Before we start...

If you’re reading this, you are currently navigating our brand new website, and we hope you love it as much as we do! I can’t thank you enough for your continued support of Ronin Art House - especially during this crazy time. You're the reason why we do what we do. I wanted to personally address Covid-19 and the steps we are taking to help prevent the spread of the virus. Your safety and the safety of our staff remain our top priority. Our goal - in this time and moving forward, is to ensure a clean, safe, and sanitary environment.

As I'm sure you've seen, there continues to be an influx of new information each day. Ronin Art House is complying and relying on Governor Abbott’s Executive Order dated July 2, 2020. As of July 22, 2020 Ronin Art House is only operating at 50% capacity, meaning no event can exceed 37 People. We encourage you to book your future events, as capacity restrictions begin to ease. As we get new information, we will update our clients. Check out the message below for general prevention measures we are taking.

Thank you for your patience and trust in us, and for being the heart of our business! I promise that we will work harder than ever during this time to earn (and keep) that trust. We look forward to celebrating with you soon.

#HoustonStrong. Always,

Keagan Harley

Ronin Art House

General Infection Prevention Strategies for Covid-19

Hosts should encourage guests to do the following to prevent infection: 

Stay home if sick. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 

• Cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue or sleeve, not their hands. 

Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – an alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used if soap and water are not available. 

Avoid touching their faces, especially with unwashed hands. 

Get the flu shot. Although the flu shot will not protect from COVID-19, it will help prevent the flu which has similar symptoms to this coronavirus. 

Additional Strategies for common areas include: 

• Close or limit seating in common areas to encourage social distancing.

General Disinfection Guidance 

Renters and their guests should follow these guidelines: 

Wear and use appropriate Personal Protective Equipment, such as masks, according to existing policies and procedures, as well as following label directions for cleaning products. 

• Renter and guests should frequent hand washing, use gloves when handling food, and use alcohol-based hand sanitizer to support good personal hygiene practices. 

• Soap and paper towels will be provided in bathrooms at all times.

• Place alcohol-based hand sanitizer in common areas, including but not limited to the entrance and bathrooms, at all times. 

Clean frequently touched surfaces in common areas. Frequently contacted items, such as drinking fountains, faucet handles, door hardware, and light switches, are to be wiped down regularly with cleaners. 

Use cleaning and disinfection products (e.g., Clorox, Purell, and Peroxide products).

and mandates as of the date published or as they have been amended, modified or supplemented. RONIN Art House as taken reasonable and commercial steps to prevent the spread of covid-19 and does not assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy or any liability related to any medical or other condition arising from covid-19.

Disclaimer: This policy takes into account and relies upon all relevant local, state or federal laws, guidelines

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